Yes, we have all heard of twitter, facebook, blogs, cell phones; talking your smartphones - blackberrys (as Microsoft Word complains about the spelling) and iPhones, etc. These are mediums used as a way of communication these days. Don’t get me wrong I love using all these social mediums to connect with friends that I haven’t seen in years. It’s as though at the click of a button the whole world just shrinks to that moment when you click send. You are able to talk to anyone, at anytime, anywhere in the world.
At the click of a button you can find out what one is thinking, whether having the best day of their life or worst. Engaged or just broken up from a relationship. People find “love” on these mediums – I put it in inverted commas because I do not really believe in the concept of finding love that way. Reality shows are giving us a different perspective of what the term Celebrity may really be. Despite the glorification of it all – I ask myself how true this could really be (another issue for another time).
With all of this available at opening a computer, phone or some sort of device that may be available at that particular time. I ask myself...
Has the internet or social media in this respect made us a lazy people?
I read blogs to find out more about others, their interests or views. This in my excuse – I find that having to sit across a person and asking them questions is a bit intimidating. It’s like there is some sort of invasion of privacy happening when asking a person questions like that. I would rather comment on your FB status and ask what is wrong, or maybe talk to you after you have broken up with the “love of your life” after it has been posted on Facebook. Finding out what people are thinking from blogs gives you a more insightful look into them, that person wasn’t sitting there staring at you while you were asking them questions about how they feel regarding certain topics. They were sitting in their own space, at their own time, thought about what to put down and publish to the world. That for me is a deeper understanding of someone than having to ask them countless questions about their lives
Maybe what I should really be asking is, have we as human beings become detached?
Has social media brought us together only to part us? Another issue that I find that social mediums have brought upon us which is a sort of curse is our spelling. Where a person will make a sentence out of alphabets and numbers.... what the hell? Like seriously? Read a book! Go to class and learn for goodness sake. “H8” is NOT a WORD! I do not care how many letters you are saving – “H8” is NOT a WORD. This is seriously sad. And I will end by asking this AGAIN!
Has social media made us LAZY?